Level 1

Jeffrey was very helpful and patient walking me through the process I need to learn.  Also very polite!  It's always a pleasure to work with someone that isn't in a rush and explains where to go in the program to find what you need. Great personality and friendly


0 Cheers
Level 15

Is support asking you to come here to create a post like this?  Did they pay you to post this?  Do you work for Intuit?  What is the air speed of an unladen swallow?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

My suspicions too, Jeff.  I've seen the "do you want to rate up" window pop-up, but I always click on no.

I'm guess folks click on yes, then these glowing reviews show up.  And they are SO, SO helpful in dealing with program issues and/or tax issues.

I may click on 'yes'  the next time the inquiry comes up and respond in a less-complimentary fashion to see if my post appears.   I'm taking bets on it if anyone wants to chime in.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

After upteen years with pretty much nothing but complaints about support, there is something lutefisky going on here.  You would see maybe one or two posts a year saying something nice about support, but not like this year.  So, I'm not taking any bets against you on this one.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 10

Is support asking you to come here to create a post like this?

Did they pay you to post this?

Do you work for Intuit?

What is the air speed of an unladen swallow?

I have been thinking about doing a similar post from time to time, for kudos to Lacerte Support, and @IRonMaN encouraged me to do it. 

So far, the hold time for Lacerte Support is much less than once before. 

The usage of "Smart Look" is spiffy. 

The support staff - even those apparently having less knowledge - are a problem-solving bunch.  Keep up the good work, Lacerte!


Now, my answers to @IRonMaN 's questions:



No.  And:

(per google, thus MUST be correct)  In the end, it's concluded that the airspeed velocity of a (European) unladen swallow is about 24 miles per hour or 11 meters per second.    Jul 7, 2013

That is fast, considering my best time for a 100m dash (48 years ago) was 11.8 seconds.  

I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.
Level 15

But we are aware of the fact that Intuit does like to use NDAs so we know that we really can't completely trust that you weren't paid. 😜

Slava Ukraini!
Level 10

NDA = National Deniers Association?

Thanks for the heads-up.

RE: we really can't completely trust that you weren't paid.

Who are the we?

I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.
Level 15

We are the non-worms here.

Slava Ukraini!