Level 5

We are experiencing "Catastrophic Failures" that, in the F10=> Errors tab, point to access issues with SSLTR[NN] files. Users are getting these errors while performing basic tax processing and when sending eSignature requests.

SSLTR[NN] are the these are the slip sheet files. We have been modifying one of these to use as an internal cover document and manually print the form to paper. It's not part of the tax return print options.

We realized yesterday that if the document was open for editing (we are still tweaking its content) that we get these errors. So, it appears that the file is locked for editing. I have now learned is that just opening the Slip Sheet editor will cause the errors.

These crashes are occurring even if a form is not being viewed. I can see that a user may want to look at a form while one is being edited, it would seem that a temp copy should be made for editing and when save then replace the stored copy.

Opening the tool, should not cause a crash.

Support was not able to help with the issue.  They had me reboot the server to clear the lock.

0 Cheers