Level 3

Has anyone else had any weird experiences with QEF in the last week?

We are entering information in for client's to prepare 2021 1099's and it appears the EIN's are going berserker. It's like the numbers did not transfer over from last year correctly so we've got extra work to make sure everything populates correctly. If you try and copy/paste then the rest of the information disappears like the name and address of the company.  Very frustrating to say the least.

Any work arounds or will Intuit fix this any time way before the January 31, 2022 deadline?

Thank you.

0 Cheers
Level 1

We are having the same issue.  Very frustrating!

0 Cheers
Level 15

Someone else mentioned it last week.

With the lousy search function here I can't find it.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 3

I just posted a similar issue/complaint.  I talked to Lacerte Support today and they had a manager watch me put in the SSN/EIN.  They had me clear browser data, try a different browser, etc. and same result indicating it's a problem on their end.  They said they had had similar complaints and they would work on it but no indication when they could get it fixed.  Ugh!  I paid an exorbitant price for Lacerte including this add-on that doesn't work.  

0 Cheers
Level 1

I had same issue. The EIN format displays in SSN format now even I check the box yes, use EIN, any idea? Is it a proble to display SSN for EIN?

0 Cheers
Community Manager
Community Manager

@luckytax88 Are you still seeing this display error? If so, clear your cache and cookies and try again. 

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