Gary K
Level 2

Looks like the latest update changed the slip sheet for the large window folders.  It doesn't line up with the folders.  Telephone support is closed until Monday.  Can't even move it up to get it to align with the windows as the spacing between the client name and firm name changed too.  Any workarounds available besides cutting and pasting? (CPA - cut and paste artist)

Level 15

Start here

If the format is correct, but it seems like a couple of lines have been added at the top, just use back space at any of the ΒΆ characters to delete a line, either above,  between or below your text. ENTER will add a line. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 1

I ran into the same problem this morning. Pretty frustrating. Also happening on the return mailing slip sheet. Return address in correct place, client address too low. For that sheet I have been going into 2019 and printing it.  Not much that you can do for the return folder sheet. The numbers of  paragraph returns in the forms are the same as in 2019 so hard to figure how they screwed that up in an update. Didn't give you any help but at least you know that you aren't the only frustrated person. Good luck for the next week.

Level 1

That was the first thing that I tried and nothing changed.

0 Cheers
Level 15

My gut feeling is to do nothing and Lacerte will fix this in the next release. If you start putzing with it, a fix may make it revert. 

Another idea to try is Settings > Transfer Prior Year Settings > Click Slip Sheets and it will import the 2019 sheets. 

If you get a fix, post it here.

@IntuitGabi or @IntuitBettyJo may get back to us with a company response on Monday.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Community Manager
Community Manager

Support is open this weekend. Did you try calling in?
I'll look into this. Thanks @George4Tacks!

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If you have screenshots to provide that's also helpful for us. 

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Community Manager

@Gary K @tmocpa 
The team is aware and a plan is in progress for a fix. I'll comment back with updates. Thanks for reporting this. 

Level 15


All I have is a comment:

WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH is the "team" messing with this stuff SIX DAYS BEFORE the absolute deadline (with a few disaster emergency places) for filing LAST year's returns ????????

The "team" should spend a few hours in the office of a tax professional this time of year.

What's that saying.... if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.



HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

@abctax55 wrote:


WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH is the "team" messing with this stuff SIX DAYS BEFORE the absolute deadline


Because the "team" is absolutely clueless.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@TaxGuyBill @abctax55  Thanks team! 

0 Cheers
Level 15


At BEST, they are clueless.  At WORST, I suspect they do this on purpose to either mess with us, or to justify their existence.  It is beyond comprehension why they insist on messing with things that have worked just fine for a long time.  Peter Principle perhaps?

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

The good folks at Intuit seem to forget their application of Newton’s third law - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Historically there is a definite trend of when they fix one thing, they break something else. I transmitted a couple of returns today and couldn’t believe there were a number of updates to the software.  Why oh why is there a need to be making changes this many months after the β€œfirst round” of tax season has ended.  Is the software so screwed up that they are still putting duct tape on it this late in the year?  In case the folks at Intuit are still using a Mayan calendar, they need to be aware that there is less than a week for preparers to get their final returns out the door.  Twiddling with the program at this stage of the game has the potential to make preparers suicidal.  Stop doing that!

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Jeff, I'd lean more towards homicidal rather than suicidal.....

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

I believe I read somewhere that female tax preparers tend to be more homicidal than male preparers πŸ”ͺπŸ”« πŸ“ΏπŸͺ’πŸ™πŸšŠπŸ’Š - choose your method 

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
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User FIDO 61
Level 8

@abctax55 @TaxGuyBill @IRonMaN @Gary K @IntuitGabi 

Messing with things? Bloated software patched with duct tape? How very dare you!?

  • Intuit Accountants Wallet
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Undoubtedly these are INDISPENSABLE bedrock items for all practitioners, and need quickly added no matter potential impact on firm productivity.

What of the impending extension deadline? You ask. No do not fear any so-called deadline. Embrace freedom allowing continual innovation of Intuit to establish yet another egregious layer of profit upon the backs of the already exhausted.

β™« faint buzzing noise β™ͺ
Level 15

I love your bottom/tagline "The moose out front should have told you. " That is one of my favorite movies.

Level 1

Yes the latest update which was required to e-file messed up the return slip sheet. First I thought I messed up something and am glad to see I am not the only one.  For the time being I  went to settings for slip sheet for return folder for large window folder.  Knocked out 5 of those paragraph things above client section, and knocked out another 5 paragraph things before my name section.  Seems to get it up close to the right height.  I am so tired and don't want to be messing with this.  Hope they fix it soon.

Level 3

@IntuitGabi I can't provide a screenshot since I don't want to share client information, but I just measured the difference between what it IS printing out as, and what it SHOULD be.  The text starts about 1 inch higher than it should be.  Luckily, one of our computers can print out this sheet in the normal way (probably because it hasn't been updated!), but one of our CPA's computers is printing out this wrong way (so in turn, we have to have that page reprinted from the other computer).  Please let tech support know this needs to be fixed asap.  Really appreciate it. 

Level 3

@IntuitGabi  by chance do you have any updates?  Would really appreciate it.  Thanks for your help!

0 Cheers
Level 3

Ok.  I just spoke with a VERY nice person at Lacerte tech support.  She was awesome.  She got in touch with the development team and tried to get an update.  She spent a lot of time trying to help me with this but couldn't get a sense of when this issue would be resolved.  She said I will get an emailed update when there is something to tell me.  I hope it will be soon.  Until then, I will not update Lacerte software on the other computers in my office - I'm sure it would be my demise!  πŸ™‚ 

0 Cheers
Level 15
Community Manager
Community Manager

Here's an article you can subscribe to for updates on this topic: 2020 Slip Sheet Misaligned

0 Cheers
Level 3

@IntuitGabi   Hi there Gabi - this link isn't working for me.  This is what it links to -http://2020%20slip%20sheet%20misaligned/

Can you post it again? 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Link restored! Thank you @ArtyFacts123 

Level 15

Is it just me, or does that link/article NOT really say it will be fixed tomorrow? 

It just says they are working on it, and the next program update is tomorrow.  It says nothing about the fix being in the update.

0 Cheers
Gary K
Level 2

Did you contact the programmers at Lacerte with this solution?  Seems it should be fixed by now.

I received a email update today to say they are aware of the issue, and they would have another update on or before 10/14.


0 Cheers
Level 3

I just received an email from Lacerte that there is a new update available to fix the problem (see note below).  May it be a good fix and I wish everyone many happy (tax) returns! πŸ™‚ 

"2020 Slip Sheets - Landscape Return Mailing Slip Sheets Misaligned After Update
This unexpected behavior has been addressed in a program update available October 13, 2021 (Version 41.1013)"

Community Manager
Community Manager

2020 Slip Sheet MisalignedAn update is now available to resolve this issue. If you're still encountering issues with your slip sheets, please verify that you're running the 41.1013 version of the 2020 Operator Programs.