Level 1

Just want to share, that my initial payment was stopped after I got a delinquent notice, and check reissued.  IRS refunded the replacement payment in full, so now I still owe them the entire payment.  Don't think they have processed the stopped payment that was returned to them. Keep waiting.

0 Cheers
Level 1

OK.  Good advice.  I'll wait until mid-January and take it from there with a phone call and a good book while I wait 🙂

0 Cheers
Level 1

Hi, I sent my 2019 payment in on July 10th, and the IRS still hasnt cashed the check.  I just received a intent to seize (levy) notice.   How much longer should I wait before I do an online payment?  They are also charging me a late fee/interest, which is insane because I have the USPS tracking code, showing it was sent and received.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Unfortunately, the USPS tracking code shows only that you sent something to IRS, not that you sent a check.  Was this a payment sent with a tax return?  And now it is clear that they have the tax return, since you have received a collection notice?  Was it a 1040?  Did you mail it to an IRS Service Center, or to the lockbox address in the instructions?  At this point, pay the tax and ask in a letter that the penalty and interest be abated, giving your side of the story.  A copy of the Post Office receipt is helpful, but not conclusive.  

Level 2

Is anyone experiencing issues with 2020 extension payments? I mailed my client's 1040 extension payment to the address below on May 12, 2021: 

P.O. Box 931300

Louisville, KY 40293-1300

Here we are a month later and this is the only extension that remains outstanding. 

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Level 15
Level 15

Is that the correct address for your state? I know IRS changed a bunch of addresses this year....may want to check the IRS website for the most current address for mailing an extension with payment.

0 Cheers
Level 2


Yes, @Just-Lisa-Now-, the check was mailed to the correct address. 

Has anyone experienced this issue with 2020 extension payments? 



0 Cheers
Level 2

Just read your obnoxious reply to @Just-Lisa-Now- which went like this:

Really,  @Just-Lisa-Now-? Please do not insult my intelligence or more importantly, my competence, by suggesting that I did not mail the check to the correct address. This is a professional forum, correct? Serious answers only, please. 

@Just-Lisa-Now- was just trying to give you some helpful advice....no need for you to respond like a jackass.

Knowing you @kwthetaxguy you probably just forgot to put postage on your original remittance.  Stop being a douchebag.  If this gets me kicked off the forum, so be it...

Level 15
Level 15
I missed the snark, oh well.

Sounds like lost in the mail, so no extension on file and no payment received, bummer.

0 Cheers
Level 2

@RoryAsumato @Just-Lisa-Now- 

Please forgive me -- my response was wrong. Hence why I removed it. @Just-Lisa-Now-, you are always very helpful and classy in your responses on this forum, please continue to be a valuable member of the Intuit community.

This response was in the heat of the moment and I am frustrated that my client's payment has not yet gone through. Again, I was in the wrong, and hope both of you can accept my sincerest apologies.

0 Cheers
Level 2

On a personal level, I had forgotten to make a final payment for my 2020 return. I received a notice in August 2021 and immediately paid online. I, and my husband, have since been barraged with collection notices. Even after sending a timely response in October, we then received a notice to garnish our SS for payment (2 copies to each of us!).i've tried calling too many times to count and decided to sit still.  Fast forward to March 2022 the notices stopped and we finally got a letter saying ..... we're looking at this give us another 60 days.  Word is they are seriously understaffed so just hang tight and let them catch up with what they have rather than sending a barrage of more information or hounding Taxpayer Advocate offices which is also understaffed.  I say this as a former Revenue Agent, myself. 

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Rick Whelan
Level 1

I have a case that we’ve been attempting to resolve for 2 years. An amended return was filed a month after the original return, which resulted in an additional payment. IRS has been sending CP2000’s to client, having never processed her 1040X. Today client received a notice that a check sent with the 1040X in June of 2020 was deposited in March 2022 and the bank refused to accept a 2 yr old check. IRS is penalizing client $549 because bank refused the check. ……and so it goes.

0 Cheers
Level 15

In the Summer of 2020 the IRS sent public notification that they would waive dishonored check fees due to their own delay.





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