Level 2

Both taxpayer and spouse each have a LTC policy and received 1099-LTC this year.  Can we really not electronically file their returns?  I am getting a diagnostic but it doesn't make sense that I wouldn't be able to electronically submit it.

0 Cheers
Level 15

What does the Diagnostic say?

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Jeff Tysor CPA
Level 1

I am getting the same error.  

Diagnostic says:

#875 A maximum of one form 8853 is allowed for e-file.

#3727 Form 8853: More than one LTC is not allowed for E-file.  Must be filed as a paper return.

Is there any solution that works to e-file or do we just have to paper file?  I ended paper filing last year.

0 Cheers
Level 2

I did speak to Lacerte on this yesterday and there is no work around.  Paper filing is the only option. 

Level 4

this sucks for 2020 tax season and COVID

0 Cheers