Level 2

The formatting of the organizers was screwed up sometime after 1-19.

I printed some on the 19th and they are fine.

Those printed on the 20th are not.  Problem appears to be with the line spacing,

What happened? The changes aren't the result of anything done on my end.

I updated this morning and show version 41.0119.  I check for updates daily, so there may have been an update earlier this week, but I don't recall.  And I don't know how to see a history of my updates.

And yes, I did print an organizer this morning after the update.  Same problem.

Any solutions available?


0 Cheers
Level 15

I'm on the same version, and I'm not having any problems (sorry... 🙂

Try updating your printer drivers, and/or printing to a different printer, and/or print to PDF then print from there.  

I have heard rumors that these things may work.

Good luck, let us know.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

Todays update should show as 40.0121 in the Federal.

In the organizer, look at the Tools > Letter Settings > in the Page Setup I THINK they changed the Top Margin. My recall is all margins were 00.50 as the default. That will mess up the pagination. 

Lacerte has done a horrendous job on the organizer this year. If it works, break it seems to the program. 

It would be really really nice if they informed us of what they changed in each update, e.g. Organizer settings only, OR COVID legislation adjustments OR Printer driver update ... 

Good luck! 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 2

I only print to pdf.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Wow... they snuck in an update since I got into the office this a.m.

I only have a couple of PDF organizers to still print so I think I'll just NOT download that update.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15


I didn't know that.... and I was just trying to be helpful/provide suggestions.

Hope you can figure it out.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 2

The 2019 program is version 41.0119.

The 2020 program is version 41.0121.

Top margin is fine, same as prior year.


0 Cheers
Level 15

I'm shocked! Absolutely, positively, shocked that suddenly issues are popping up with Lacerte organizers.  They were being generated so flawlessly up until now.  Did I mention I was shocked? 

Slava Ukraini!
Level 1

Is anyone still having an issue with line spacing.

We printed most of our organizers at the end of January.  Up until about a week ago, organizers were fine.  Now, we have some new clients and when we print the organizer, the line spacing is definitely off, which throws out all the formatting we did with the Client Letter, let alone the yes/no Questionnaire.  I do not see an option to correct line spacing.  Anyone having the same issue?


0 Cheers
Level 15
I think the last (and final) update added a line somewhere in the client letter.
There is no line spacing.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!