Level 2

Hi there-

I have been asked to print the organizers double sided.  When I do so, the first page of the client letter prints on the back of the slip sheet.  Does anyone know how to force a blank 2nd page to the the slip sheet?  Or a blank first page to the client letter or another workaround?


Thank you!!




0 Cheers
Level 1

We added an extra page, return address (our address) label that prints on the back of the slip sheet (clients address).

Level 15

I format the client letter to work as a slip sheet, i.e. client address lines up with the envelope I use. 

I do not use the slip sheet. I actually tri fold most organizers to fit a standard window envelope that I send with a forever stamp, some need the forever additional ounce stamps. I am now a small practice with mainly retired folks.


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0 Cheers
Level 2

That is exactly what I suggested, however they insist that a blank second page was forced in prior years (this is my 1st tax season at this firm and my 1st experience with Lacerte).

Any other suggestions?



0 Cheers
Level 15
I don't have the program open, so I can't test. Can you add a bunch of carriage returns to the slip sheet to make it two pages?

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
0 Cheers
Level 1

I have been printing duplex organizers for several years now. You will need to add in (force) a second page to print on the slip sheet.  As suggested by George4Tacks, add enough carriage returns to bring you to a second page and then add a simple period "." to that page so the editor recognizes there is a second page to print.  The dot is small, negligible toner is used and it should accomplish keeping the slip sheet separate from the letter and tax organizer pages.  Hope it works for you. 🙂

Level 3

Hi there,

I don't print slip sheets and I print my client letters separate. Maybe you can print the slip sheets separate too and then just start the organizer with whatever your first sheet is.