Level 1

Looking for assistance. Downloaded a file called WebSetup19 and trying to install Lacerte. # seconds in I get a fatal error Unable to write data file. Must have administrator rights to install this program.


When running this file, I right-clicked and set Run as Administrator. This had no effect. 


Thanks in advance

0 Cheers
Level 15

Look at and click on the first section to Complete the Initial Setup

You need to let the Lacerte program know that you are the Administrator.

If you can't get it, contact Support


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
0 Cheers
Level 1

Please explain to me why I need administrative approval, when I own the company and I am only one that works with the programs.

This is Robert F Gillis #1148

0 Cheers
Level 15

Robert, please understand that you are asking the peanut gallery. If you want a really deep discussion, spend hours on the phone with support.

The first link has a yellow bright idea banner that states "If you are the owner of the firm, manage your office, or are the only Lacerte user in your office, you must: complete the initial setup, and invite additional software users (if applicable)."

I think the simple answer to your question is because you would like to use the program and that is a hurdle you must clear to do so. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 1

I updated admin person and accepted it in your email, however program still will not load. 

R F Gillis 1148

Give me telephone number for support

0 Cheers
Level 15

"and accepted it in your email"


It's Your Email and not Ours. This is Not customer support or tech support. This is Peer Users on the internet forum.

I recommend you remove that account # you keep posting.

"Please explain to me why I need administrative approval, when I own the company and I am only one that works with the programs."

Being "administrator" of a product you bought and own is a typical requirement for something that must comply with privacy and authentication requirements, such as "invite other users in your firm."

Installing software as "run as Administrator" on your computer has to do with how the permissions are elevated, such as, being able to Update that program later, having read/write access to all folders required, and to be able to send/receive over your internet connection. Most people do not know how to fire up a new Windows OS computer so that they are working as Admin in reality. The true Admin account is a hidden account.

Remember when you used to get UAC pop ups frequently? User Access Control "this program wants to make changes to this computer...will you allow this?"

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

How to contact Support

They are closed today.

It may be you have a bad install and could use the FORCE provide with


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!