Level 1

Partner B sells ownership to Partner C.  Where do I report the sale of Partnership interest on the K1, if so what screen am I entering?   

0 Cheers
Level 15

The sale was outside the partnership so does not get reported by the partnership nor on K-1s.

However, you may like to footnote the transaction on B's K-1. B's ending capital account should be zero and his K-1 gets marked Final. 

C's capital account will increase by the amount of B's ending capital account immediately before the transaction. C's outside basis is what he paid B for the partnership interest.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 1

What screen do I mark a partner as final K1?

0 Cheers
Level 15


The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 1

What screen am I adjusting the capital accounts that will flow properly to the capital account analysis 

0 Cheers
Level 15


The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 3

May I add a related question, please?  I have a situation where  Partner A purchased the interests of a few other partners.  I see where screen 29 can be used to transfer the outgoing partners' Capital Accounts to Partner A.  However, I know I need to increase Partner A's outside basis by the amount he paid for the other partners' interests.  I don't see anyplace in Screen 9.2 that allows for this type of increase to outside basis.  Is here some other place to adjust the outside basis?

0 Cheers
Level 15

Please note that @hrrisoncpa has also asked this as their own topic, here:

No need to keep asking, and is being answered on that topic.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
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