Level 1

With Derecho Wind Storm in Iowa, being declared a Presidential Disaster Area, there have been over $2.6 Billions of Insurance claims filed.  Thousand of tax returns will require the reporting of Casualty Gain/Loss this year.  Thus, the need for the input of information and the generation and e-filing of Form 4684.  Will that form be added to the Lacerte Program for inputting and processing of the Form 4684?

0 Cheers
Level 15

The form is in Screen 17 > Look in the left column for Sections > Casualties and Thefts (4684)

You will need to wait awhile for the software to really get up to speed, but I think you need to enter DR-4557-IA for the FEMA code

FEMA Disaster Code

Casualties and Thefts (4684) Screen 17; Code 96

Enter the FEMA disaster code designation for the personal casualty loss being reported on Form 4684.   This information will print on the Form 4684, page 1.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!