Level 1

Is there any way to fix how 2019 Lacerte organizers are printing?  The spacing between letters is not correct.  I have mine set to Times New Roman size 11 and it definitely does not look like that when printed.

Level 15

WHOA! It is way to early to really starting printing these things.

My suggestion is just to wait for at least one more update to the program and at least until the 2020 program is issued. Very likely more than just the printing format is wrong now. Who knows we might even get some tax law changes before now and the end of the year. The Commander in Tweet might forces some new items through. 

My first runs are print to pdf, then after an appropriate time for thorough review, start going to paper close to the end of the year. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15

2019.... or 2020?

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 1

We are not actually printing organizers to send to our clients but now is the time we start updating them.  With that I do print off the organizer so our partners can review/make changes if need be.  When I went to do this the formatting was WAY off.

Level 15

That's fine, I do the same thing.  The point is the Intuit is still fine tuning the product too.  Patience, grasshopper.

@IntuitBettyJo (or is there someone else to tag for Lacerte issues...) - can you pass this along to the pertinent folks?  TIA

HumanKind... Be Both