Level 2

Any prognosis on when "No statuses (acknowledgements) were updated for current data path" for 1040s will be operational?

Level 2

Also need to be able to update the e-file status to show accepted for those returns that actually went through during the e-file error situation.  I've two clients who still show "unsent" but have an activity report that says they have been submitted already.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Just talked to a customer support agent (after 2hr on hold) and she said they are still working on fixing the acknowledgements beyond "received at lacerte" but they are still being transmitted to the if you get that status message you will be timely filed 

Level 3

We are now able to electronically submit tax returns but we're not getting any acknowledgement updates at this time.

Level 2

Thank you CJR for your patience.  Good to know.  Still love seeing the "Accepted" before we open the celebration tequila to the longest tax season ever.

Level 2

You can also check your statuses online in your account Dashboard under Products - Efile Status.

Level 3

Thank you for this tip!!

0 Cheers
Level 2

I wholeheartedly agree on the comfort the word "Accepted" brings. 🙂

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Level 1

To check e-file status on the dashboard, what dates should be used?

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Level 3

I have been using 10/15/2020 to 10/15/2020 and has been working fine...although if you have any rejects you won't know the cause of it, only if it has been accepted, rejected, or pending.

Level 2

This worked fine for one submitted today during the e-file crisis.  However, one which was transmitted 10/12/20 shows as rejected.  The activity report states that a filing has been submitted already.  However, no filings were submitted.  If nothing else, I'll call Lacerte directly on this one.

0 Cheers
Level 2

One hold with support as well for the only one that has rejected.

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Level 2

I am checking the 8879 to see if the submission ID is updated, so that I know they went through.

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Level 2

HELP!!! We started getting this message today after the update...

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Continuing conversation here since this thread is from last year.

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