Neil Sullivan
Level 1

AICPA referred to informal discussions with IRS re penalty relief consideration for returns due 15 Sept 2020 which are filed after the 15th and the delay is related to COVID-19 issues.   It was mentioned/ suggested to write COVID-19 across the top of page one (1) of the Tax return being filed.   QUESTION  1.0 What steps has LACERTE taken to accomplish this option for (a) hardcopy printed returns and (b) efile returns ?  2.0  Has LACERTE issued a bulletin or notice "how to" as to the steps to be taken?   3.0  If not, then what is LACERTE's plan to accomplish this soonest?  Could save time with respect to NOT having to respond to IRS correspondence to request late-filing penalty abatement.   Thank you. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

First question:

How many returns do you have that will be filed late because of COVID vs just pure old fashioned procrastination?

Second question:

Does anybody actually think the IRS is going to pay any attention and read what is printed across the top of the return?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

You want Lacerte to reprogram the software based on a third party having an informal discussion with the IRS?

There is no indication that the IRS has reprogrammed their computers.  Assuming that is the case, the IRS e-file system would not be able to accommodate such as a thing even if Lacerte did reprogram things, and the data-entry clerks at the IRS who enter paper-filed returns would have nowhere to enter it.  As such, the taxpayer would receive an automated computer notice about the penalty.

Level 15

Agree with the IRMN, the IRS is probably never gonna look at it and I doubt filing a hardcopy with the header would get you better mileage (of course, unless you count the actual mileage the return will need to travel on the road and the steps folks will take to bring files back and forth from those containers sitting in the IRS' lots - when, not if, they get to it).

If you must, even though there are no regulatory or even instructional requirements to include any text in the header, and doing so let you sleep better at night, don't wait for Intuit to respond - if you wait, you may never file the return ever.  You can simply add any text you want - yes, any - on Screen 3 by scrolling down to the line Explanation on top of Form 1065 [O].

Still an AllStar
Level 15

Updated original response on how to add custom text on top of return.

Still an AllStar
0 Cheers
Level 1

Wow!!!  Is there no kindness left in this world AT ALL???


For Partnerships (Lacerte), under the Misc tab there is a box "Explanation on top of 1065" just above the Tax and Payment section.  You can add the COVID-19 notation.

S-Corps, under Misc tab just above the Schedule B section you will see the box to check and the area for the desired notation.

I am searching for something similar for the Individual return(s).  Hope this helps.

After 27 years in public accounting we can use all the help we can get.  I'm sure the client would appreciate it as well.  These are trying times.

I wish you the best!




0 Cheers
Level 15

"Wow!!!  Is there no kindness left in this world AT ALL???"

Evidently that kindness appears to be quite limited since this is the first question that you have attempted to answer since you first appeared here 8 months ago.  Some of us have spread the kindness a little more often during that time, but we also work in the real world.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"I am searching for something similar for the Individual return(s)."

Like this?

If you must, you can have Lacerte print whatever text you want on the top of the return by using Screen 3.  For 1040, look for the line for Form 1040 text.


Because this has been asked a lot of times.

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