What have you found as the best way to communicate to other users regarding tax returns?  For example, to let the person reviewing my returns see any research I've done on questionable items.  For example, that I called client to determine complex mortgage information.

0 Cheers
Level 15

To me, that has always been part of the workpaper from the time review was done on paper.  The only difference is that these are now part of the electronic records, depending on how your cabinet/DMS is set up.  The most important thing is to have the system, convention, and process set up that everyone understands and adheres to.

Still an AllStar

Thank you.  I guess what I meant was what part of Lacerte do you utilize to communicate these things?  Do you use Sticky Notes, Client Notes???


We used to have actual folders (gasp) that had a summary sheet to write these types of notes in.  Not sure where/how to replicate this electronically.  Would love to find a way to do this within Lacerte.  Can always put together a word or excel document I suppose, but would seem to be extra work, and not as easily utilized.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Our client files are electronic, stored on the network. All those notes and research, etc. are part of the client file. They are outside of Lacerte.

The more I know the more I don’t know.