Level 7

Did't know where to ask this at. I have been on hold with irs for some time.

I am doing some estate planning for myself. I am adding a my son to my business as

an owner on my S Corp. I know I have to have  him approved since he will now have some ownership in the business . I did not see where I can add him or update the application and go the approval process. I have had my efin for years. Do you  know if I have to do a whole new application. and hopefully this will not effect my continuing to file returns while he is being approved.




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Level 15

Do YOU hold the efin or does the S-Corp hold the efin? Have you contacted the efin help desk 866-255-0654 (6:30 AM to 6 PM CT)? https://www.irs.gov/e-file-providers/faqs-about-electronic-filing-identification-numbers-efin#:~:tex...

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
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