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I purchased a book of business that has 99% of the clients entered in Lacerte with all UPPERCASE. I am trying to integrate with Office Tools and would prefer to make everything uniform. Is there a compelling reason to use ALL CAPS in Lacerte? It just seems to create formatting problems with the slip sheets and form letters. I just figured I would ask prior to making a drastic change.
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"Is there a compelling reason to use ALL CAPS in Lacerte?"
Someone thought it was too much work to hit the shift key every now and then?
Some folks like all caps. Personally, I think it looks unprofessional. It's kind of the old "tastes great" - "less filling" argument. There is no right or wrong answer, it's just a matter of preference.
Slava Ukraini!
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I use all uppercase because my typing skills leave something to be desired and I don't have to worry if I miss a capital letter somewhere, I think it looks even more unprofessional to miss a capital and have everything all lowercase so my OCD would have me going back and editing things too often.
The IRS doesnt care one way or the other.
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Lacerte does have an option to select mixed vs all upper case (I use all upper case... guess I'm unprofessional eh, Jeff :-).
It solves the problems Lisa mentions.
BUT, if the original data entry was in all caps, I don't think switching the option will retroactively fix anything. Guess it is worth a try tho.
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 😁
Slava Ukraini!
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One annoying feature of Lacerte is even if you elect the ALL CAPS, the client InFORmatioN in the ClIEnt LEtTeR will print whatever you typed into Screen 1.
I agree that all caps tells me something. Lisa never took a keyboarding or typing class. That doesn't mean she don't no how ta do tacks, but I still dunt tink looks 2 gud. My business partner for several decades was like Lisa, so he typed all caps and his clients had the all caps setting in Screen 3. The default setting was mixed and I and the other preparers did our thing. I edited the Table settings on a regular basis to make his entries conform to what the rest of us did.
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The alphabet soup I was fed when I was an infant in this business had only capital letters, so I grew up preparing returns with ALL CAPS, lol.
Still an AllStar
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I prefer all CAPS except for the Salutation Name, because then the letter looks stupid for saying "Dear STEPHEN & BARBARA, your returns are ready.
Other than that, it's just easier to type that way, like Lisa said.
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I like all caps for the return but enter the client information in mixed case so the letter prints that way. It has always worked but now for some reason my trusts are printing in mixed case even though my settings say all caps. 😞
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I am having that problem also.... returns printing mixed case even though all caps is selected. However, others in my office do not get that then viewing the same return! So I do not know what happened to my machine to cause this. I will be sending an email to Lacerte support.
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I ended up doing a hard reinstall of the program, as I was unable to send a support request through the software. Doing the hard reinstall fixed the upper case problem that I was having.
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Thank you. The problem is so random I can't figure it out..
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Try the new Lacerte Tool Hub https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/help-articles/help/fix-common-problems-and-errors-with-the-l...
You can use this to do FORCE install that will repair most wonky things.
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I have re-installed the program and keep having the problem. Sometimes all of a sudden it switches to mixed case EVEN WHEN I HAVE IT MARKED AS UPPER CASE IN THE TAX RETURN ITSELF (in addition to options). So weird. Am I the only one with this issue??
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No you are not. I have noticed this also. So far, though, the returns print upper case.
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If the search function were better here, I might be able to find the other thread with this issue. The person contacted support and they were guided to replacing some opt file in the user directory. Maybe @IntuitBettyJo could get support to post something here or as an article.
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