Tax Law and News

IRS and tax professionals

IRS Has Trouble Verifying Social Security Tax Exemptions

Proper Hiring and Tax Withholding Guidelines for Domestic Employees

hacked fraud security

IRS Falling Down on the Job of Helping ID Theft Victims

sales tax

How Sales Tax Nexus Confusion Affects Your Client’s Business

Many Taxpayers Are Exempt From the ACA Penalty

Planning with team

Properly Classifying Employees and Independent Contractors

How the Affordable Care Act Affects Your Practice

ACA Requires New Form 1095 Source Documents

2014 Filing Requirements – Tangible Property Regulations/Change in Accounting Method

tax accountant

ACA Interactive: Interview Guide for ProSeries® Professionals

Above the Forms: Providing ACA Clarity is Everyone’s Priority

September 2015 Tax and Compliance Deadlines