Generate Form 5452 for Subsidiary to File with a Consolidated Corporate Return
by Intuit• Updated 5 months ago
Form 5452, generated on a subsidiary return does not flow to the consolidator. How do I generate this form to file with the consolidated return?
Per the IRS instructions for a form 5452:
"If a corporation is a member of a consolidated group, the parent corporation must file Form 5452."
In Lacerte, the 5452 will not automatically flow from the parent or subsidiaries to the consolidated return. It must be generated separately in the consolidator.
- Go into Screen 81, Corp. Report of Nondividend Distribs (5452).
- The following entries are required to generate form 5452. Since this will be entered at the consolidator level,, the figures entered should be the consolidated totals:
- Date paid
- Total amount paid
- Amount per share (xx.xx)
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