Common questions about editing slip sheets in Lacerte
by Intuit•1• Updated 5 months ago
Lacerte has several slip sheets available. You can edit, select, or unselect which slip sheets will print with which option (government, client, etc).
Below are solutions to frequently asked questions about editing slip sheets that print with returns.
Changes made to slip sheets will affect slip sheets for all clients in the module you're working in.
Table of contents:
Which slip sheets are available?
The available slip sheets include:
- Separator Sheet
- Return Folder
- Return Mailing
- Main Form
- This slip sheet won't generate for an e-file return.
- Estimates
- This slip sheet can't be edited within Lacerte.
There's an override available for the Tax Filing Envelope in Screen 3, Stimulus payment/Miscellaneous Information/Direct Deposit, under the Miscellaneous section.
How do I change the size, type, or format of the slip sheet?
- From the Settings menu, select Options.
- Select the Tax Return tab.
- Select Tax Return Options in the Section box on the left side of the Options screen.
- For Tax Return Folder, select Large window or Small window.
- For Tax Filing Envelope, select 6x9 Landscape or 9 1/2 x 11 1/2 Landscape.
- This is the for the Main Form slip sheet.
- For Return Mailing Envelope, select Portrait, Landscape, or Large Window.
- For Return Mailing Slip Sheet, select To Client, From Client, or Both.
How do I edit the Tax Return Folder, Return Mailing Envelope, or Tax Filing Envelope?
- From the Settings menu, select Slip Sheets.
- Select the appropriate slip sheet on the left of the Slip Sheet Setup window.
- The basic format of the slip sheet will appear with the appropriate keywords. Keywords are the items within brackets, such as [CLIENTNAME], [FIRMNAME], [CLIENTADDRESS], etc.
- Add any desired keywords by placing your mouse at area of the slip sheet where you want the information to appear.
- You may have to use the arrow keys or space bar to move the cursor to the desired area.
- From the Tools menu on the Slip Sheet Setup screen, select Keywords.
- Select the appropriate item in the Categories box on the left side of the Federal Keywords screen.
- Select the appropriate item in the Keyword Names box on the right side of the screen.
- Select the Insert button at the bottom of the screen to insert the keyword into the slip sheet.
- Repeat steps 3 through 7 to add any other desired keywords.
- Click Close.
- Click Yes to save the changes.
What if there aren't keywords available for the information I want to appear on the slip sheet?
- From the Settings menu, select Slip Sheets.
- Select the appropriate slip sheet on the left of the Slip Sheet Setup window.
- Place your mouse on the area of the slip sheet where you want the information to appear.
- You may have to use the arrow keys or space bar to move the cursor to the desired area.
- Type the desired information on the slip sheet.
- Click Close.
- Click Yes to save the changes.
How do I restore the default settings to a slip sheet?
- From the Settings menu, select Slip Sheets.
- Select the appropriate slip sheet on the left of the Slip Sheet Setup window.
- From the Tools menu on the Slip Sheet Setup screen, select Reset to Default.
- Select Yes on the confirmation screen.
- Click Close.
- Click Yes to save the changes.
How do I select or unselect which slip sheet to print with a return?
- From the Settings menu, select Primary Options.
- Select the Items To Print tab.
- Select the Copy you want to edit settings for from the list on the left.
- Under Print Order - [Your selected copy], scroll down to the Client Correspondence section.
- Check or uncheck the boxes for the slip sheets you want to print.
Mailing slip sheets will still print, even if unchecked, unless the client is checked for Electronic Return in Screen 1, Client Information.