Marking the Recomputed checkbox for Vermont IN-111 in Lacerte
by Intuit• Updated 4 months ago
On a Vermont Individual Form IN-111, to mark the box Yes for re-computed:
- Go to Screen 3, Miscellaneous Info./Direct Deposit
- Scroll down to the Vermont Miscellaneous section
- Enter a 1 in, Filing Status: 1 = Civil Union Joint, 2 = Civil Union Separate code 833
Lacerte only supports recomputed federal return information for the following situations, per the instructions for Form IN-111,
The Vermont filing status must be the same as your Federal filing status except in the following two situations where Federal information may be recomputed for Vermont purposes:
- Civil Union or Civil Marriage (available to same-sex couples holding a valid civil union or marriage license): Recomputed Federal income tax information required.
- Vermont Resident With a Non-Vermont Resident Spouse who has no Vermont income: Recomputed Federal income tax information may be used. See Technical Bulletin 55... If you elect to file your Vermont income tax return married filing jointly, you cannot use Schedule IN-113, Part I to apportion income of the nonresident spouse. The credit for income tax paid to another state, however, is available."
For more information, please see Vermont Technical Bulletin 55.