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Generating a New York state pension and annuity exclusion in ProSeries

by Intuit Updated 5 months ago

This article will help you generate a New York pension and annuity income exclusion on Form IT-201 line 29 or IT-203 line 28.

To see if your client qualifies for the exclusion see the IT-201 instructions or the IT-203 instructions.

If the taxpayer/spouse meets the age requirement as well as all other qualifications the Pension and annuity income exclusion will automatically be applied.

If all pensions and IRA's qualify for the pension and annuit income exclusion regardless of the recipients age:

  1. Open the Pension/Annuities/IRA Workhseet in the New York state tax return.
  2. Scroll down to Part II - Calculation of Exclusion Amounts.
  3. Check box 1c.
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