Generating Form 8609-A in Lacerte
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
A building owner files form 8609-A Annual Statement for Low-Income Housing Credit to report compliance with low-income housing provisions and calculate the low-income housing credit.
- The building owner must file form 8609-A for each year of the 15-year compliance period.
- File one Form 8609-A for allocation(s) for the acquisition of an existing building.
- File a separate Form 8609-A for allocation(s) for rehabilitation expenditures.
How to generate Form 8609-A
- Go to Screen 21, Form 8609-A/LIH Recapture (8611).
- A separate activity must be added for each building.
- The partner's share of this credit flows to the Schedule K-1 Box 15 with a code of A or B.
- The code A or B depends on what is entered in 1=42(j)(5) partnership, 2=other (MANDATORY) (Code 17).