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Common questions about W-2's in Lacerte

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

Click on the articles below for help and answers to the top W-2 Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How do I enter a W-2? See Entering a W-2 in the Individual Module
  2. How do I allocate wages between multiple states? See Allocating W-2 Wages and Withholdings for Multi-State Return
  3. How do I enter Minister's income, expenses, and housing allowance? See Entering Minister Income, Expense and Housing Allowance (Parsonage)
  4. Where to enter a W-2 for electronic filing purposes for Form 1041? Use Screen 38.3, Wages, Salaries, Tips to enter a W-2 for Form 1041. In the Wages section, only Federal income tax withheld will impact the Form 1041. All other entries are for electronic filing purposes only.
Lacerte Tax

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