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Common questions about Form 990 Political Campaign and Lobbying in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 8 months ago

To indicate the organization is engaged in direct or indirect political campaigns

  1. Go to Input Return Form 990 Schedules Pol. Acts and Lobbying (Sch. C)
  2. Select Political Campaign & Lobbying
  3. Check the box labeled Engaged in direct and indirect political campaigns
  4. Make any other applicable entries on this screen

Why is the question on Line 4 is blank on Form 990, Page 3, Part IV?

This question will remain blank until the entity is identified as a Section 501(c)(3) organization. If this entity is a Section 501(c)(3), it must be indicated under Client Information. To do this:

  1. Go to Input Return General  Client Information
  2. Scroll down to the Return Info section
  3. Choose 3=Charitable, Religious, Educational, Scientific, etc. in the 501(c) Paragraph No drop down input
  4. Once this entry is made, line 4 on the 990 Page 3 Part IV will be marked No by default

To mark Line 4 Yes on Form 990, Page 3, Part IV:

  1. Go to Input Return Form 990 Schedules  Pol. Acts and Lobbying (Sch. C)
  2. Select Political Campaign & Lobbying
  3. On this screen scroll down to the Lobbying Expenditures section
  4. Enter a 1 or 2 in 1=Form 5768 filed (Part II-A), 2=Form 5768 not filed (Part II-B) This will change line 4 to Yes
ProConnect Tax

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