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Entering corporate Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit information in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 9 months ago

This article will assist you with entering information related to the Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit in the Corporate return.

New for Form 8936 for tax year 2023:

  • A new clean vehicle credit for new electric vehicles meeting specific requirements
  • A credit for previously owned clean vehicles
  • A credit for qualified commercial clean vehicles

Tax-exempt and governmental entities may also elect to treat their credits as a payment of income tax. However, credit for plug-in electric-drive motor vehicles is no longer available for vehicles placed in service after 2022 and final assembly of the vehicle must occur within North America for vehicles purchased after August 16, 2022. See here for more details.

There aren't any inputs related to this credit under Depreciation.

Follow these steps to enter information about the Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit :

For tax year 2023

  1. Go to Input Return Credits General Business Credits (3800) Clean Vehicle Credits.
  2. Begin by entering the Part I: Vehicle Details: Year (e.g. 2023), MakeModelVehicle identification number (VIN), __ and Date placed in service.
  3. Continue by answering the questions presented in order, one at a time.
  4. If at any point the answer selected says to Go to the next questionGo to Part IIGo to Part IV, or Go to Part V, follow these directions on the input screen until you complete the input and generate the form, or until you see Stop here which indicates the vehicle doesn't qualify for a credit. 
  5. Any applicable credit will flow to the 3800.

For tax year 2022 and earlier

  1. Go to Input Return  Credits  General Business Credits (3800).
  2. Scroll down to Qualified Plug-In Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit (8936).
  3. Enter the applicable information in the Vehicle information, date placed in service, Kilowatt hour capacity, phaseout and business use (Click to expand) field.
  4. Enter an override for the credit amount in the Qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle credit [Override] field, if applicable.
ProConnect Tax Online

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