How to enter Form 1095-B in ProConnect
by Intuit• Updated 3 months ago
Your client may receive Form 1095-B if they had health insurance coverage at any point in the year. This form is not required to be filed with their tax return, but for tax year 2018 and prior, you can use it to help calculate any Shared Responsibility Payment your client owed under the Affordable Care Act. Starting in tax year 2019, the Shared Responsibility Payment is reduced to $0, so Form 1095-B will not have any effect on your client's tax liability.
For current tax returns
No federal 1095-B entry is needed since the Shared Responsibility Payment, or health coverage penalty, has been reduced to $0.
For states with health coverage requirements, the 1095-B data doesn't have to be entered into the program - but you can use it to help determine whether your client had health coverage throughout the year. Click here for more information on entering minimum essential coverage for California returns.
For tax year 2018 and prior
- Click on the Input Return tab.
- Select the Credits section to expand.
- Click on the screen Form 1095-B - Health Coverage from the left navigation panel.
- Complete the table for each Covered Individual:
- Enter the First Name
- Enter the Last Name.
- Enter the ID Number (SSN or TIN)
- Enter a 1 in 1= covered all 12 months or enter a 1 for each month the Individual had health insurance coverage for. You may need to scroll the screen to the right to view the months
- If applicable, click on the + at the top to add another tab if you need to enter a 1095-B another individual.
Additional Information
- 1095-B and 1095-C are issued to taxpayers for information purposes only and are not required to be entered in order to prepare the return.
- Part III input field is provided to conveniently calculate the Individual Shared Responsibility Payment penalty if some or all of the household members do not have full year coverage for all months.
- This input can also be made on the Health Coverage, Exemptions, and Miscellaneous screen in the Minimum Essential Coverage not Indicated Elsewhere section. Entries in both screens is not required.
- For clients with all members having coverage the full year, enter a 1 for entire household covered for all months on the Health Coverage, Exemptions, and Miscellaneous screen. No additional input is required.