Entering information for individual California Enterprise Zone Form 3805Z, Part III
by Intuit•1• Updated 2 years ago
This article will assist you with entering the Schedule K-1 California Enterprise Zone percentage for Form 3805Z, Part III, question 3 in the Individual module of Lacerte.
To input the desired information, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Screen 57 - Other.
- Select California Enterprise Zones (3805Z) from the St. Other list in the upper portion of the left navigation panel.
- Select Apportionment - EZ Worksheet III in the Section list in the left navigation panel.
- The actual percentage is calculated from inputs in the section Property Factor in the fields Inside CA (Section A) and Inside EZ.
NOTE: This may require contact with the K-1 issuing authority for specific information to complete this section. All sections under Property Factor per CA FTB should be completed for accurate calculations.