Generating fiduciary Schedule J (1041) in ProConnect Tax
by Intuit• Updated 4 months ago
Follow these steps to generate Schedule J in the Fiduciary module:
- From the Input Return tab, go to Misc. Forms ⮕ Accumulation Distribution (Sch J).
- Select the blue General link from the top-right of the input screen.
- Check the box labeled Trust is subject to throwback rules after 8/5/97.
- Click Back to Year in the top-right.
- Enter the Throwback year (enter as 1969, 1970, etc.).
- This should be the earliest year—in four-digit format—to which an accumulation distribution is applicable.
- Enter all applicable information for the year:
- Distributable net income
- Tax-exempt interest included in DNI
- Distributions
- Taxable income
- Tax
- Tax on income other than LTCG (tax years prior to 1979 only)
- Net short-term gain allocable to corpus
- Net long-term capital gain allocable to corpus
- Long-term capital gain deduction
- Prior throwbacks
If the Schedule J isn't generating after entering the amounts, make sure that the distribution exceeds the accounting income. Even if the required information has been entered, the distribution must exceed the accounting income of the trust in order to have an accumulated distribution. For more information, refer to the Schedule J instructions, found in the Form 1041 instructions.