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How to resolve diagnostic ref. 726 and ref. 4691 in ProConnect Tax - Child and dependent care benefits

by Intuit Updated 6 months ago

This article will help resolve the following e-file diagnostics:

  • e-file: Form 2441 is not required when the dependent care expenses are zero. To e-file this return, you need to override the dependent care credit by entering a -1 in General Information section, Form 2441 [Override] and re-process e-file only. Dependent care benefits reported on Form W-2 will still be added to wages. (ref. #726)
  • Informational: Dependent care benefits exist in Dependents. No corresponding "Dependent care expense" entries have been made on Dependent Care Credits. (ref. #4691)

Follow these steps to resolve diagnostic ref. 726:

  1. From the Input Return tab, go to Credits  Dependent Care Credit (2441) Children, Dependents.
  2. Click on the General information section in the top right corner.
  3. Add or remove any unnecessary or necessary information. If the 2441 is meant to show as is, then it is not necessary to e-file and the inputs can be removed.

Informational diagnostic ref. 4691

This second informational diagnostic will remain and might be ignored. It won't prevent e-filing of the return. The message is present as a reminder, in case the missing information was unintentional.

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