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Electing to forgo an NOL carryback for an individual return in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 1 week ago

This article explains how to make the election to forgo an NOL carryback for an individual return. Most taxpayers no longer have the option to carryback a net operating loss. 

These instructions only apply to returns for tax years 2018-2020.

To make the election to forgo an NOL Carryback:

  1. From the Input Return tab, go to Other Elections. 
  2. Click Misc. Elections in the top-right. 
  3. Scroll to the CARES Act NOL Elections section.
  4. You'll see three checkboxes. Check the one applicable to the NOL.
    1. Once an election is made, the NOL will show as a carryover on the NOL Wkshts section in the Forms tab and will no longer be subject to a two or three year carryback period. During the proforma process, the NOL will transfer to the next year's program.
    2. If the return has a farming loss, select Waive farming loss carryback period [172(b)(1)(B)(iv)] under Miscellaneous Elections.
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