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Generate separately filed forms for entities that do not have an EIN in Lacerte
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
Some separately forms must be generated before the entity has an EIN. This may cause difficulty when a client is licensing Lacerte on pay-per-return (REP) basis.
- Form SS-4 "Application for Employer Identification Number"
- Input on Screen 81, Application for Employer ID No. (SS-4)
- Form 56 "Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship" for initial estate return
- Input on Screen 65.1, Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship (56)
Enter AppliedFor (exactly as shown, without a space) in the EIN field on Screen 1, Client Information.
This will facilitate printing forms that do not need an EIN.
After the EIN is obtained, update this field on Screen 1 to reflect the actual EIN, and compute the actual return (incurring REP charge if applicable).