How to resolve Lacerte diagnostic ref. 39319 for New York Fiduciary
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
When reviewing a Fiduciary (Form 1041) return where New York is involved for e-file, you may encounter the following diagnostic:
- e-file: New York - Attach as a PDF a copy of the additions and subtractions that relate to intangible items of income. Please refer to the help topics on the Electronic Filing input screen for details on attaching a PDF file. (ref. #39319)
Why is this diagnostic generating?
Per the New York IT-205-A instructions for line 12:
New York additions and subtractions that relate to intangible items of income, such as interest or dividend income, are only required to the extent the property that generates the income is employed in a business, trade, profession or occupation carried on in New York State. Submit a copy of your computation with Form IT-205.
The detailed information from the worksheet generated for IT-205-A, line 12, must be attached as a PDF file. You can print the worksheet to a PDF file from Forms tab and attach to the e-file in Screen 2.2, Electronic Return File Attachments.
Follow these steps to print the form as a PDF:
- Go to the Forms tab.
- Open the applicable statement from the left navigation panel.
- In the upper-right corner of the form, click the Print Form button.
- In the window that just displayed, click Settings.
- Uncheck the Printer box and check the File (PDF) box.
- Click OK.
- Select All pages.
- Click OK.
- Name the file and click Save.
- Proceed with the next set of steps below.
Follow these steps to attach the statement as a PDF:
- Go to Screen 2.2, Electronic Filing.
- Click the PDF Attachment button.
- Click the Attach PDF button.
- Select Browse Files.
- Select the applicable file and click Open.
- Click OK.
- Locate the New York Information subsection.
- Check the box labeled Send PDF attachment with New York return.
- Locate the From line or instruction reference dropdown menu.
- Select IT-205A, Sch 1, Line 12 - Intangible additions and subtractions.
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