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How to resolve Lacerte diagnostic ref. 35131 - CA electronic payment phone number required

by Intuit1 Updated 1 year ago

This article will help resolve the following e-file critical diagnostic:

  • California Electronic Payment: A phone number is required and valid "Daytime Telephone #" must be selected when paying electronically. (ref. #35131)

This e-file critical diagnostic is for the electronic payment of California estimated taxes, and will generate when:

  • Electronic payment of estimated tax is selected on Screen 3, Miscellaneous Information/Direct Deposit in the section California Direct Deposit of Refund/Electronic Payment.
  • When the box for Requires electronic payments is selected in the California Miscellaneous section of the same input screen.

Step 1, make sure the phone number is entered:

  1. Go to Screen 1, Client Information.
  2. Scroll to the Taxpayer Contact Information section (the diagnostic only looks at the taxpayer section, not the spouse).
  3. In the Daytime Telephone # input field, use the dropdown menu and select either Home, Work or Mobile.
  4. Input the phone number in the input field that corresponds to the telephone number type selected.
  5. The diagnostic should no longer generate.

Step 2, make sure the phone number is set to print:

  1. From the Settings menu, selection Options.
  2. Select Tax Return tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Federal Tax Options section.
  4. Locate the Daytime Telephone Number field.
  5. Make sure the setting is set to Print.

Step 3, make sure the phone number is not overridden:

  1. Go to Screen 3, Miscellaneous Info./Direct Deposit.
  2. Under the Miscellaneous section, make sure the field labeled Daytime phone: 1=print, 2=print (suppress when optional), 3=suppress [O] (code 26) doesn't contain a 2 or 3.
Lacerte Tax