How to resolve Lacerte diagnostic ref. 35131 - CA electronic payment phone number required
by Intuit•1• Updated 1 year ago
This article will help resolve the following e-file critical diagnostic:
- California Electronic Payment: A phone number is required and valid "Daytime Telephone #" must be selected when paying electronically. (ref. #35131)
This e-file critical diagnostic is for the electronic payment of California estimated taxes, and will generate when:
- Electronic payment of estimated tax is selected on Screen 3, Miscellaneous Information/Direct Deposit in the section California Direct Deposit of Refund/Electronic Payment.
- When the box for Requires electronic payments is selected in the California Miscellaneous section of the same input screen.
Step 1, make sure the phone number is entered:
- Go to Screen 1, Client Information.
- Scroll to the Taxpayer Contact Information section (the diagnostic only looks at the taxpayer section, not the spouse).
- In the Daytime Telephone # input field, use the dropdown menu and select either Home, Work or Mobile.
- Input the phone number in the input field that corresponds to the telephone number type selected.
- The diagnostic should no longer generate.
Step 2, make sure the phone number is set to print:
- From the Settings menu, selection Options.
- Select Tax Return tab.
- Scroll down to the Federal Tax Options section.
- Locate the Daytime Telephone Number field.
- Make sure the setting is set to Print.
Step 3, make sure the phone number is not overridden:
- Go to Screen 3, Miscellaneous Info./Direct Deposit.
- Under the Miscellaneous section, make sure the field labeled Daytime phone: 1=print, 2=print (suppress when optional), 3=suppress [O] (code 26) doesn't contain a 2 or 3.
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