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Common questions about corporate homeowner's associations in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

Below, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions about homeowner's associations in Intuit ProConnect:

  1. Go to the Input Return tab.
  2. From the left of the screen, select Miscellaneous Forms and choose Federal Homeowner's Assoc (1120-H).
  3. Mark the checkbox labeled Homeowners association (MANDATORY).
  4. Select a Type of association (Click on arrow to select from list) from the dropdown menu.
  5. Scroll down to the Exempt Function Income and Total Expenditures section.
  6. Enter the Exempt function income.
  7. Scroll down to the Deductions section.
  8. Enter any applicable fields.
    • You only need to enter gross income if it's different from the input in other screens.

When trying to e-file NY Form 1120-H return, you get a critical diagnostic saying you can't e-file the return, and the program automatically selects the federal e-file box on the Client Information screen.

How do I resolve this diagnostic?

You can't e-file a federal Form 1120-H, and you can't e-file the NY forms separately due to state requirements stating you must send the federal return sent with the NY return.


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