Generating Kentucky Form 62A500 Tangible Personal Property Tax Return in Lacerte
by Intuit•1• Updated 1 year ago
- Go to the Kentucky Tangible Personal Property screen and enter the Property location:
- Individual Module: Screen 54.296
- Partnership Module: Screen 43.295
- Corporation Module: Screen 50.292
- Create a Depreciation asset for the tangible personal property, if not already present, in the Depreciation screen. Mandatory entries are required in:
- Description of Property
- Form (Ctrl+T)
- Activity Name or Number
- Date Placed in Service
- Cost or Basis
- Method (Ctrl+T)
- Scroll to the section Kentucky Tangible Personal Property Tax (62A500) on that Depreciation asset.
- Click the dropdown arrow in the field Property location name or number. The property location entered in Step 1 will show in the list. Select that property from the list to link this depreciation asset to the Kentucky Tangible Personal Property Tax location.
- Select the Type of Property (Ctrl+T).
- Select the Class of Property (Ctrl+T).
- Inputs for Schedules A, B and C are available in the Kentucky Tangible Personal Property screen listed in Step 1.