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Notification of rejected returns by email.

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Notification of rejected returns by email.


If I do not see any returns rejected by the end of the day, then it is likely that I will not notice any rejected returns that day.  To avoid opening my Pro series program everyday to make sure all the returns were successfully e filed, especially after tax season, I can be notified of a return that was rejected right away instead of waiting for the IRS letter that was sent to the client.  Thank you.  

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Level 15

What IRS letter gets sent to the client when their efiled return is rejected? I've never heard of this.

Level 15

You won't know if any returns are rejected until you retrieve acknowledgements.

As long as there are outstanding returns, open the program daily and retrieve them. Standard practice.

Level 3

3 years later but this is a brilliant idea. I dont know of the IRS writing anyone about rejections either but the person above seemingly missed the point. I have filed previous year returns that have been rejected and found out much later than I needed to because I wasn't actively working with those years and so it is easy to miss checking the acknowledgements. A simply email alert would make a huge difference. 

Level 15

If Intuit did implement that policy, then how much would our fees increase?

Level 3
  • @PATAX you are being presumptuous. Intuit is going to raise their fees incrementally each year regardless. Just what are we paying for exactly? This is a basic enhancement for a billion dollar tech company. Users should be able to choose to get push notifications/emails when returns are accepted/rejected for example. Instead, Intuit forces you to do the opposite by manually pulling the same data. I filed prior years' returns in the past and completely forgot about them. A few were rejected (client's fault) and believe me when I tell you that a basic notification would have made the world of difference. I mean TurboTax, an intuit company, sends emails regarding return statuses. 
Level 15

No I am not being presumptuous. Heidi's brother, Alexander, is on the B.O.D. He is the top dog.🐕

Level 15

Ron Popeil didn’t create the software so there isn’t a “set it and forget it” function.  If folks want to be professional tax preparers they need to take a little responsibility and check their software on a regular basis when they have transmitted returns.  

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