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eSignature Doesn't Deliver on Key Improvements

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eSignature Doesn't Deliver on Key Improvements


This eSignature page on the Intuit site makes you believe you can use eSignatures for any document and not tied to a tax return.  https://proconnect.intuit.com/esignature/ 

I spent 45 min on the phone with a rep and the best they could do is tie the eSig to an 8879 and then you can add other documents. There is zero guidance on how to add the eSignature request to the other documents.

If Intuit says you can get a eSignature on an LLC formation document, that could be months before you file a return.  What does an Asset Purchase Agreement have to do with a tax return?  If I want a client to approve an estimate, it is before the tax return is prepared or maybe still a prospect. Same goes for an engagement letter.

My point, The website is misleading.  It gives the impression that I can use my Intuit eSignatures for any document and not have it tied to a specific year tax return.  I want to use eSignature for other things beyond an 8879.  However, at the present time, eSignature is completely tied to the tax return and the 8879.  Implementation and documentation are severely lacking when reps who ask for internal support still cannot figure out how it works and ultimately point me to adobe solutions.

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Level 1

On ProSeries you can upload other document and forward and delete the tax documents. MY issues is I have some married filing jointly returns that DocuSign will NOT let me forward to the client.  The software thinks there an issue with the return.  

Level 3

I want to send client engagment letters for e-signatures. It says the return is not ready for electronic filing. Um...DUH! It's December. I just want to send engagement letters for signatures. If that can't be done, what's the point of this add-on? I requested and paid for additional envelopes, but they still haven't appeared on my dashboard. It's 26 December, so I guess computers aren't working. I have a bad feeling that my plan to save paper and time is not going to be solved with this process. Disappointed, to say the least.

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