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NC D-400 line 11 not calculating properly and also possibly NC NOL

Level 1

I have a client who has a prior year loss on their Schedule-C. On the NC D-400 Sch S, it is showing the correct NC NOL which is equal to the client's taxable income (only income is from the Sch-C). This also shows on the D-400 line 9, deductions from Federal AGI. This issue is that line 11, which adds all the deductions up to subtract from line 8, is not added line 9 which is the federal deductions.

My client should have 0 taxable income in NC, but instead it is only deducting the standard deduction. This is the only client where I have had this issue. I think it is stemming from the NC NOL worksheet. This is the only client that has a PY NOL and is using that worksheet. The worksheet itself may not be calculating right either. There is no input in line 1d for deductions from Federal AGI on it which is the same line on the D-400 that isnt not being a part of the line 11 calculation.

I have tried every override and input to get the forms to look right, but I can't figure it out. Please let me know if you have seen this issue from dealing with a NOL with NC. Thank you.

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