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efile reject no 2441 credit over AGI limit ; how to exclude DCB s

Level 3
AGI is > 438K so no dependent care credit so its 0.  The question is how to exclude from the wages DCB s?  did pay for child care and used DCB....
Error message: If Form 2441 is present in the return, then Schedule 3 (Form 1040) 'CreditForChildAndDepdCareAmt' and/or 'RfdblCrForChildAndDepdCareAmt' will have a non-zero value.
Solution: Please review the reason for the reject. If necessary make the appropriate change and re-submit this return electronically. However, if the reject continues you may want to file this return via U.S. Mail. To file your return, print it and mail it to the appropriate taxing authority.
Code: F2441-027
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