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DC Form D-30 isn't automatically generated (Ref #49132)

Level 1

I am unable to get ProConnect to generate a DC Form D-30 (unincorporated business franchise tax) based on a Schedule E.

The Schedule E input does include a checkbox for "Unincorporated business" under the DC portion of the "State and Local" tab. However, checking this box results in the following diagnostic (Ref #49132):

"Form D-30: The type of taxpayer (Taxpayer, Spouse or Joint) indicated for the Form D-30 does not match the type of taxpayer indicated for Schedule E #1. Please review the selections for the taxpayer in the 'District of Columbia - Unincorporated Business' screen and the 'Rental and Royalty Inc. (Sch. E)' screen, where the 'Applies to District of Columbia unincorporated business' box is checked."

I have cross-checked the Schedule E input and the DC UBFT input. Contrary to what the diagnostic says, the filing statuses on these forms match each other. However, the system refuses to generate a D-30, even when I enter the inputs by hand.

Until I'm able to solve this issue, it looks like it will be impossible for me to file a DC D-30 franchise tax return using ProConnect. Hope someone can help!

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