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Please wait while we launch lacerte (2019 dialog box when opening 2021)

Level 5

I am on occasion getting a dialog box with a Lacerte 2019 title and the message "Please wait while we launch Lacerte".

I am of the opinion that it relates to one or more of the following factors:

Recent Lacerte Update
Opening SmartVault when the Lacerte DB is unavailable. Most of our clients connect via VPN and if one launches SV prior to connecting to the VPN, there is a dialog box about the system path not being available.

If you are experiencing this and can help narrow down the issue please respond.

The solution is to install the Lacerte Toolhub (direct link) and, suffer through an amazing amount of annoying alerts (Alerts => OFF), then choose Login => Fix Login Window.

The dialog box indicates that it will fix 2019 and 2020 login window, but it actually will fix the 2021 window.

You may need to reboot to complete the fix.

0 Cheers

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